Hello everyone!! Lady Gaga
Did you already heard Lady Gaga's new song called 'Born this way' and 'Judas'?
In my opinion Born this way it's ok (there are rumorsthatsheimitatedMadonna's song 'Express yourself', and I think it's true) but the other song... idk... Judas juda ah ah... What apenned to the old Lady Gaga? :(
Hair The curly hair is back! Straight the hairandhidethe curly hairwhichMother Naturehas offered us, this summer youu don't have to worry about!Nowit'sthetimetotake good careof ourcurly hair,setthem free ;) Such as hairstyle like 70's. The trend of this season are: Fringes,braids,africanstyle, misaligned,andheadbandwithflowers. Just gorgeous!
Type of Body and Bikinis The summer is coming, and because of that it's important to know what type of body do we have for buy the right bikini. Here is some tips :)
Ok... so here we have different body shapes:
1- hourglass
2- triangle
3- pear
4- rectangle
5- oval
1- You have the shoulders and the hips off the same size, so you shoul buy a bikini that define your waistline. Try to choose the top and the bottom part of the bikini with de same collor or the same print.
2- Your shoulders are very large, if you buy a bikini you should define your waistline choosing crazy prints. Try to choose colors like blue and purpel (dark colors).
3- You have very thin legs and the hips larger that the shoulders, so you should buy a bikini that have a print at the bottom part, try to choose bright colors and horizontal stripes.
4- If you have this type of body you have the shoulders, the waistline and the hips at the same size so you should mix colors and prints. You can also think that you could buy a trikini that gives a illusion of curves.
5- Finally, if you have a waist and bulky figure, you should opt for buy one 'maillot-de-bain' or a bikini with cut U or V.